Hi, I'm Elaine


I set up Inspired Back Office Ltd in 2006 after having worked in import/export for the same group of companies for more than 20 years. I decided that I wanted to set up my own company so that I could use my experience and knowledge to help other businesses.


What I do, is allow other people to concentrate on what they do best.


I have a knack for working out the best processes to follow to get the results that my customers need and I’m not afraid of having to crunch through a mountain of paperwork (whether real or virtual !) to get there. My customers value my approach to bookkeeping. 


I don’t speak in accountancy jargon and I help you to truly understand your business finances.


I’m not a bookkeeper with a list of formal qualifications but I’ve always worked with numbers.


To me, numbers are not just numbers, they are the outcomes from processes.


I’m good at understanding where the numbers come from - and that helps me to help you understand too. I’m happy to help out with other types of admin as well - whatever is needed to allow you to concentrate on what you do, while I worry about the paperwork. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements by completing the online Contact Form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.



Please get in touch to discuss your requirements by completing the online Contact Form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.